This document is the front line in your battle out of poverty. You send them out like an army, one by one, every goddam day so that you can proceed forward toward employment.
And, as mentioned elsewhere in this blog, they're mainly comprised of bullshit.
While the resumé is necessary, it is sadly insufficient. Managers are people, too, and they're not just going to take a resume and say "oh, okay."
You need a tactical airstrike. Shock and Awe.
You need a cover letter.
Oh, not just one cover letter. Nope! You need one for every. damned. posting. you. apply to.
This leads to some bouts of insanity.
Okay, maybe a LOT of sanity.
You're never any fun, Phil.
But if you stick with it, and work hard, you'll finally get a response:
Well, there's always prison.
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