
Friday, March 11, 2016

Back in the Saddle

So. It's uh...

Hello. This is awkward.

Well, first things first, it's been 3 yea-HOLY SHIT 3 FUCKING YEARS? THREE??! I could've sworn it was, like, 6 weeks at max.

And this is approximately what I look like.


ALOT has happened these past 38 months. Let's see...

Oh, I got a job.

Alright, no, okay. I *do* have a job. But I have decided, after much prodding from family and friends, to re-start this pesky thing.

Are you happy now? Ya jerks.

The job is one of those jobs you try to fluff up to other people.

For example: "I work on the Institutional Trade Desk for Bloggy Bank Inc." sounds a WHOLE lot better than "I work as a call center rep."

Aaaand that's exactly how I tell people what I do. Don't judge; my pride has feelings, too. Well, what's left of it anyways.

So, I'll be back in the saddle here and get back to writing up things and drawing horrible, clumsy pictures for your entertainment/horror/now-I-need-therapy.

However, I have completely forgotten how the hell to use the program I was using...

This is my attempt at the Warner Bros. "That's all, folks!" above... Yeah. This is rough.

I'll go into other things and stories through new posts. Quick SparkNotes version of my life:

I got that job.
I got a new car.
I hated that new car.
I wanted to kill that new car.
I got married to LavaGirl. We had fire for dessert. She loved it.

We had a child. A boy! Named Velociraptor.

Personally, I'm thinking "Screaming Poop Machine" may have been more accurate.

But that's it for now. To youtube to relearn drawing! Like a kindergartener! Yay!

See you soon!

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