
Friday, December 6, 2013

Loans and Malaysia

Well, the past couple days have been interesting to say the least.

I've seen lots of very very high numbers! It's magical!

Except when it isn't.

The first number to come in was the huuuuuuuge number of pageviews I got Tuesday.

Don't go to those websites. Seriously.

Upon further investigation, it was made clear these hits were coming from...


Therefore, there must only be one solution...

I am the Chosen One of Malaysia.

Or, perhaps, it's the spambots as a helpful user on Facebook pointed out.

Ah well. Glory for but a moment. I am gonna call it the Malaysian Anomaly. Because that sounds cool.

The next high number was even more sinister than the first.

It came from Student Loanville.

If you sue me, I'll just not be able to pay you anyways.

But wait, there's more!

Call RIGHT now and you'll be screwed over to find out deferment is not an option for you! Hooray!

... If anyone would like to give me a winning lottery ticket, I'd be just a bit thankful.

I'll sell you the Crown of Malaysia!

I'll forego bacon for a week  a day!


Student debt has swelled to over $1 TRILLION freaking dollars recently. A trillion. And, just to effing boot, that's about 6.66% of our economy.

Student loans really ARE the Devil.

If you'd like to donate a penny to the Save the BlueCru fund, that'd be nice. Other wise, leave a comment below discussing how fucked I am. 

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